Permanent Forum On Indigenous Issues Urges Protection Of Indigenous People In Colombia

Mission of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues after visiting Colombia issued a resolution in favor of the survival and protection of indigenous peoples are at risk of extinction.

The resolution aims to define standards for special protection and binding on the States and will be developed in coordination with representatives of indigenous peoples.

This mission visited Colombia from April until July 10 and will insist on finding a negotiated solution to armed conflict with the proposed participation of indigenous organizations and civil society.

The mission also seeks to position in the Permanent Forum the issue of indigenous peoples at risk of extinction from the effects of armed conflict, economic development, poverty and institutional neglect.

It is recalled that the urgent mission was requested by the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) during the Eighth Session of the Permanent Forum, held in New York, United States, between 18 and 29 May 2009.

The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues United Nations Organization (UN) is an advisory body to the Economic and Social Council.

This Forum has a mandate to discuss indigenous issues relating to economic and social development, culture, education, health, environment and human rights.

On the agenda of the mission plans to visit various communities. In the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta: Chimila, Yukpas, Kankuamos, Wiwas, Kogi, Wayuu, Aruak, Mocan, Zenú and high Sinú Embera.

Furthermore, indigenous organizations in the city of Pereira, as well as departmental and municipal authorities and the Ombudsman.

Later, in Nariño dialogue with local authorities in Tumaco and currencies will meet with other social organizations.

In addition to these meetings with communities, will meet with the Government and its different segments, with the Constitutional Court, the Attorney General and the Attorney General.

~ Indigenouspeoplesissues

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